Wednesday, April 09, 2014

45 days: 5

  • Yesterday, my boss gave me the unprompted feedback that he's happy with my work and attitude. Made me feel good.
  • Moments later, a co-worker, again unprompted, told me I seemed happier in my work recently and wondered why. That was very encouraging.
  • The taste of coffee makes me happy.
  • I ran across the idea of self-priming yesterday and started using it. This is the idea of using key words to foster a mental state conducive to navigating a particular kind of situation, for example, being productive at work, or calming down to go to sleep at night, or preparing for a conversation with a friend. Here's a statement for ramping myself up for the day: "The proactive athlete responds quickly and effectively to whatever happens because of having powerful and well-trained reflexes." A statement for inducing a relationship mindset: "Communication builds bridges to common ground, playfully facilitating harmony and productive collaboration." A statement for winding down at the end of the day: "The fluffy sheep sleeps peacefully beside the tranquilly babbling brook in perfect comfort and safety." A nice thing about stringing the words together into a sentence is that it makes them easy to remember.

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